Income Tax

Completion & submission of income tax returns disclosing:

  • Income from all sources less deductible expenses
  • All relevant allowances and credits
  • Disposals and a cquisitions of chargeable assets for capital gains tax purposes
  • Gifts / inheritance received

Advice on your liability to income tax, PRSI and USC & assistance with payment

Detailed preliminary tax calculations

Medical expense review

Advice on your Capital Gains Tax position

Corporation Tax

Completion & submission of corporation tax returns disclosing:

  • The company’s adjusted tax profit
  • Income from all sources less deductible expenses
  • All relevant allowances and credits
  • Disposals and acquisitions of chargeable assets for capital gains tax purposes (if relevant)

Advice on your corporation tax liability & assistance with payment

Detailed preliminary tax calculations

Advice on your Capital Gains Tax liability, if required


As part of the services provided by our Outsourcing department, we can assist you with VAT and Payroll calculations and submissions.

Our specialists

Deborah Drought


Taxation Services

Deirdre O'Toole


Taxation Services