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Financial Reporting Services

Businesses and their owners can only make meaningful plans for the future if they have an accurate and reliable picture of what has been achieved in the recent past. Our comprehensive accounting services include;

Producing timely management accounts/management reports help to assess the financial performance of your business

Providing aged creditors reports

Providing bank reconciliations, trial balance and fixed asset registers

Processing of all business transactions including supplier invoices and credit notes, bank payments and lodgements

Bank, company credit cards and cash transactions processed and reconciled

Complete management of VAT returns

Dealing with all revenue correspondence received

Complete running and management of your weekly and monthly payroll runs

Completion of financial statements for the year

Liaising with Revenue on PAYE/PRSI or VAT revenue audits

Completion of monthly sub-contractor returns

Completing statistical returns if required by CSO

Our specialists

Henry Kinch


Audit & Outsourcing Services

Han-Fei Zhang


Outsourcing Services